Wompy’s – More Than Music

As a stay at home mom, I’m always on the hunt for activities, free or paid.  One of my favorite resources is your local library. They introduced me and my kids to Wompy’s, a musical play program.  I’ve seen my share of music programs and classes for toddlers.  Often these trials didn’t leave me convinced and my kids weren’t interested.  Wompy’s offered a trial one day a week for one month at my local library – which was more than enough.  They had me at the catchy opening song and convincing moms is just as important as the kids.

From the moment Wompy’s starts, the kids are focused and excited.  Each child is provided with a “shaker” and Wompy, the music program’s dog mascot puppet, welcomes them to their class.  Throughout the 45 minute session, the instructor pulls out either a story board or prop, introduces the lesson, song and musical instrument.  Then the full song is played along with the kids playing with their musical instrument or prop.  After the song, each child is instructed to return the instrument.  When this concept was first introduced, I cringed at the thought of my child getting a new toy and then have to put it back so quickly.  This was due to all my painful run ins at the toy aisle or the sighting of a toy display.  So the children have the instrument aka shiny new toy, for the duration of the song (probably 30 seconds or less) and the seconds before when introduced to it.  To my surprise, all the kids return the instruments and with urgency.  Even my “me me me, mine mine mine” Lil’ M2 was one of the first to return the instruments.  This cycle of intro, instrument, song, return continues throughout the class.  The last prop is a bubble machine – pure genius! Kids and bubbles, you can’t take them away from it.  Even as an adult, I am fascinated with bubbles.  So much so that my summer time fun time budget must include extra bubble juice and toys.  The class concludes with a farewell to their beloved Wompy and a sticker to send each child off.

Ms. Lauren teaching the class with props.

Ms. Lauren teaching the class with props.

I’ve never been more of a skeptic with musical classes such as this.  But my kids absolutely loved it and I did too.  It wasn’t lame, boring or cheesy.  Co-Owners, Rick and Lauren Greenberg are involved and care for each child’s musical education.  A lot of these types of programs always seem so cold-hearted and out for the quick sale.  But with this married duo, you can tell they love children and what they do.

Ms. Lauren takes Wompy around to greet each student.

Ms. Lauren takes Wompy around to greet each student.

Wompy’s is more than a music program.  It teaches them discipline, manners and respect.  Also, it is a great social experience for children before they start school.  According to their website, Wompy’s is suitable for kids 6 mo thru 4.  Come see it for yourself and try it for free.  You won’t regret it and you’ll be immediately convinced.  Check their site out here.